Human Superpowers + AI
True innovation and breakthroughs are in the hands of humans, not AI.
New technology is always threatening - Until we all start using it.
In the last 30 years we have lived through wave after wave of game-changing technologies. My career was founded in the brave new world of ‘mobile telephony’. AI, of course, is the next big one. What can we learn from experience?
What brand owners value and what customers value are not always the same thing
A salutary tale of what happens when brands waste the energy and investment they have put into creating brand affinity and loyalty, by simply not recognising and acknowledging the defining emotional connection points customers have with their brand.
Insight or Numbers? Detail or Big Picture?
Dilemmas and compromises between using or choosing qualitative and/or qualitative research are now a thing of the past. Soothful makes this possible.
Soothful goes live
Introducing Soothful - a game-changing research service that changes the rules of traditional marke research.
Strong brands ensure VALUE is created at every touchpoint with the customer. These are the moments when brands live. This personal experience is a lesson in how a product brand brand won me over 10 years after purchase.
Which Tribe Do You Belong To?
I’ve always been a Gibson Tribesman with various forays into Fender territory. As much as I can try and rationalise it, I still get a powerful emotional feeling in my body when I set eyes on a Gibson. This article explores ‘Level 3’ of the Brand Promise…
Brand - the New Language of business?
Marketeers have been excluded from the top table for decades. This is simply because the financial folk don’t have the reporting tools to identify marketing’s contribution to company value. A recent ISO standard seeks to rectify this longstanding problem. This article delves into the issue.
Brand as a burger
Brand as a burger? A simple metaphor that quickly gets to the heart of what brand strategy is and should be about: Connecting operations with customers through a carefully considered strategy
Lessons in brand building 02
Strong brands lead. They do not follow. Brands are like people and when people are good and strong, people follow them and are attracted to them. We want those good and strong people to live up to, and maybe even exceed, our expectations.
Lessons in brand building 01
Marketing is a broad church of disciplines. Witnessing brand owners receiving contradictory advice from people of different marketing-related backgrounds is something I have experienced many times
There are only 3 kinds of brand...
The mission behind the Brand Compass is to help brand owners create strong brands. It helps if you know what defines a 'strong brand'. This article picks out some of their defining facets.
The Real Brand Issue...
…is knowing HOW to create and develop and strong brand. This is no simple or trivial endeavour but the benefits are numerous and it is not unfathomable.
Building Brand Connection
Clever metaphors are great but what business owners need is a clear understanding of what brands are, what they do for a business and how to build them up.