Brand as a burger

Think of a business as a burger. 

The top half of the burger bun represents the marketplace - your prospects, customers and external stakeholders 

The bottom half of the burger is the business itself: The people, the machines, the operations, the processes…all the ‘moving parts’ if you like.

The burger and fillings sit in the middle. It CONNECTS the two halves together. 

This is like a brand. 

It is the bit that has nutrition and flavour, is inspiring and sets the mouth watering. These ingredients give YOUR burger stand out and competitive edge. 

Once you have discovered the ingredients your customers love, you stick with them. They are the ingredients that create value - your VALUE CREATION POINTS..

Their flavour seeps deeply into the bottom half of the burger, into all the moving parts of a business. 

The glorious aroma emanating from the burger infuses the top half of the burger, attracting and converting audiences into happy customers.

 #brandstrategy #brandstrategymatters 


Brand - the New Language of business?


Lessons in brand building 02